Focus and Scope

Indonesian Journal of Legal and Forensic Sciences (IJLFS) publishes original research paper and review paper in the fields of  law and forensics.  But it's not limited to just these fields.  IJLFS is a journal with the main scope of legal and forensic science. However, various fields that are directly related to legal and forensic science can be proposed as well. IJLFS invites researchers to contribute their ideas in the development of legal and forensic science, the following scope ;

  • Forensic medicine and psychiatry, including child abuse and neglect, interpersonal violence, elder abuse, domestic violence, sexual violence, suicidal behaviors, care in custody, restraint injuries, torture, and human rights.

  • Forensic pathology, death investigation, and causes of death, including death in custody and suicide.

  • Forensic science, including the forensic aspects of toxicology, anthropology, and odontology.

  • Forensic chemistry, identify and characterize the evidence as part of the larger process of solving a crime, fingerprint analysis, drug analysis, ignitable liquid residue analysis, explosives detection and analysis, the characterization and comparison of trace evidence (glass, fibers, paints and polymers, tapes, soils, and other materials), ink and paper analysis, gunshot residue analysis, synthetic pathways for drugs, toxicology and the analysis and chemistry associated with the components of fingermarks.

  • Forensic molecular biology emphasizes molecular techniques such as DNA profiling and repetitive DNA in the human genome; origin of genetic polymorphisms and how they are maintained; continuous versus discrete allele systems; DNA isolation methods; Y-chromosome haplogroups and analysis; RFLP analysis methods; PCR-based typing systems; automated systems and DNA databases; applications of mitochondrial DNA analysis; pedigree analysis; evidence preparation; and legal and ethical consideration.

  • Other fields of forensic science include; Forensic Law, Deviant behavior, Digital Forensics, Social science, Social Anthropology Study, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Microbiology, Forensic Toxicology, DNA Profiling, Criminal Profiling, Forensic Odontology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Anthropology, Computer Forensics, Forensic Serology, Fingerprint Analysis, Trace Evidence, Forensic Astronomy, Criminal Psychology, Criminalistics, Forensic Pharmacy, Mobile Forensics, Hemogenetics; Sexual Assault, Immunochemistry, Forensic DNA Analysis, DNA Finger Printing, and Molecular Biology, Malpractice, Extra-Judicial Deaths; Insurance, Child Abuse, Ethics in Medical Practice, Legal Policy, Justice Studies, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, Intellectual Property Law, Bioethics, Descriptive Investigation, Comparative Investigation, Experimental Investigation, Crime Forensics, Criminal Investigation, Forensic Analytical Techniques, Forensic Photography.